So the DoDo Project didn't set fire to the charts.
Instead I learned to play the drums (didn't really succeed), turned up the
volumes on everything and ditched the careful production/arrangement approach.
Prince released his 'Screwdriver', and 3rdeyegirl raised the hopes that a
rocking little band could be fun. Somehow that leaked into my system.
Since DoDo, 41 songs were recorded, most of them originals this time, with
complete freedom as to their sound, structure and arrangement. Maceo listened
to most, if not all, of them. And it was he who suggested it was time to
release some of these to the wider world.
I thought a full album of Y-originals might be a bit much to ask of anyone's
attention, so we agreed on an EP.
1. Better Than Before
2. What Is Going On (Ymaginatif- BrunoVanden Broecke)
3. Snow Storm
4. All These Things Were Burnt
Let me know whether you like them.
PS. Thanks Maceo